We do not get paid unless we do win and recover benefits for you. In some specific cases, or services, we will ask for fees directly from the client. But, this is very rare.
Our fees are set by the government. We do not set our own fees. At present, our fees are 25% of back benefit payments recovered, but no more than a maximum But, that is the maximum.
First of all, unless we win and recover for you, we do not get paid. If we do recover payments for you, as an example, suppose we recover $40,000.00 in back-benefits for you, plus the monthly payments of course that you received. We cannot be paid from your monthly payments and future payments. We only receive maximum of $7200 or 25% of the $40,000.00. Here, since 25% of the $40k is $10,000.00, we cannot collect more that $7200 (subject to fees we pay from this amount to SSA for administrative purposes). However, if you only recover say $10,000.00 we only receive $2500.00 since that is 25% of the sum we recovered for you.
Typically, clients do not pay for any expenses, but for costs of getting medical records, or if you need to see a doctor or other healthcare provider for expert reports in support of your claim. Some of your medical costs might be covered by an insurance policy if you have such coverage. We cannot control these costs, but will do our best to advise you of your options.
SSDI and SSI cases take several months to more than a year at times before they are concluded. Only exceptions are when a claimant has emergency needs (such as disability that requires immediate assistance, or a life threatening condition where time is of the essence). We can try to ask SSA to expedite such cases, and the decision lies with the agency and/or the judge in your case.